Go Back to Basics:For Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment

Author: Johnson
Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the more common types of eczema where the oil glands of the skin are affected. Seborrheic Dermatitis affects thousands of people worldwide which may cause much frustration to the sufferer & if it is not controlled, it can significantly reduce the lifestyle quality of the person. There\'s the usual conventional prescribed treatment for this type of eczema, which is not guaranteed to work. To heal from Seborrheic Dermatitis, they must return to fundamentals & understand why this happens in the first place.

Seborrheic Dermatitis is usually caused by an internal source, such as diet & lifestyle. For seborrheic dermatitis sufferers, a diet which contains much saturated fats, processed sugars, & junk food is the major contributor to the imbalance of body system which promotes candida overgrowth. Candida overgrowth can increase histamine activity & causes an eczema flareup. Candida yeast will travel to the most vulnerable areas of a persons body & promote irritation. The weak points in an individual varies from individual to individual. With sebhorrheic dermatitis, the sebaceous glands or oil glands appear to be the most vulnerable points of assault. The most ample areas of the oil glands in a human body are the scalp, sides of the nose, behind the ears, & the middle of the chest.

The first step towards treating seborrheic eczema is change your diet. Reduce saturated fats & processed sugars in your diet as this two are the common factors which cause seborrheic dermatitis. Increase the intake of fiber in your diet. Fiber helps to eliminate candida overgrowth. Do not forget about replenish your essential fatty acids & vitamin E levels through diet as these two essential nutrients help the skin cells to retain moisture. Increase your intake of green vegetables,such as brocolli, spinach, collard & kale, which are very rich in minerals & fiber as well as the much needed beta carotene to boost your immune system & restoring your body system balance.

Regarding caring for your skin & scalp, go for natural skin care products that will replenish the deficient nutrients to promote the healing. Products which contain essential fatty acid sources like borage oil or safflower oil are great for moisture replenishment, vitamin E for moisture replenishment & regulation of the exfoliation method, vitamin C for anti-oxidant & natural anti-histamine functions, & beta carotene sources, (like carrots or apricots), for their immune boosting properties. As there\'s so plenty of of these natural skin care products available in the market, you will need to find the one which suits you. No two person have the same skin type, so what is nice for one person, may not be suitable for you.

Another often neglected factor is regarding your household water system. In the event you have not install a nice functional water filtration system to filter out chlorine & fluoride, do so now as these harmful chemicals are often the reason for irritation in sensitive skin. At one stage, a domino effect can occur. What is a domino effect? An preliminary cause of eczema flare up can generate a more vulnerable atmosphere for the occurance of another cause. Take for example, the first cause of the seborrheic dermatitis could be due to your diet, this will weaken your body immune system & make it simple for another allergen which could be the chlorine in the water to worsen your dermatitis condition. They are both still eczema reactions: one describes more of an internal cause; whereas, the other describes a direct outside cause.

The most important factor in treating seborrheic dermatitis, or any type of eczema in general, is to understand your body immune system & the way it is related to how your skin works. Find out what your body needs & work to replenish those deficiency with whole food sources & plenty of pure, neat water. Most of the times you will find that the solution is much more simple to fix than what doctors would have you think. Let\'s use an analogy of a automobile to make things clearer. Your automobile often break down may be due to the wrong fuel in your gas tank. You might be using diesel fuel in an unleaded gas tank which is causing the issues. So the simple solution is to add the right fuel to the gas tank. In other words, replenish what is deficient & watch the automobile go.

 Similarly, with the human body, putting the wrong fuel, ie. food, in the body, causing deficiencies of nutrients & thus causing the body to breakdown, ie. getting diseases & disease. In the event you understand this principle, the most important thing that is necessary is not medication to suppress the symptoms; but , the right food to replenish the deficient nutrients & promote healing. This same principle applies to treating Seborrheic Dermatitis.

In conclusion, these are some of the basic but very essential steps you can take towards treating seborrheic dermatitis the natural way. Start with the right diet & half the battle is won. What is most important is to listen to your body & understand you skin & how healing can happen. With the right approach , you are on your way to natural eczema healing.
For more information please visit: http://www.losefatpro.info
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com

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LOSE FAT TIPS:For more information please visit: http://www.losefatpro.info

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