Treatment of dengue fever

Author: jamesbro
Best directions for treatment of dengue fever
The dengue fever is an acute viral infection that is transmitted by the inoculation of the virus with the bite of a female Aedes mosquito. Its main symptoms are fever, muscle pain, headache and skin rash. Depending on these symptoms there are a few directions of treatment of dengue fever that may be followed.
What is the treatment of dengue fever?

Similar to many other tropical viral infections, the treatment of dengue fever is not very specific. Because it is a viral infection, a precise treatment of dengue fever does not exist. Furthermore, only 1 of the dengue fever cases finalize in death, most of the infections being either asymptomatic or easily cured with the appropriate treatment of dengue fever.

When it comes to the treatment of dengue fever, physicians usually recommend that the ill person is hospitalized and that the symptoms are treated. Therefore, for the typical type of the condition, the treatment of dengue fever consists out of ways to relief the symptoms.
Which are the symptoms that need to be taken care of with the treatment of dengue fever?
The first symptom that needs to be removed is fever. This is why, as a treatment of dengue fever, doctors recommend nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pills, which will help lower the high levels of fever and reduce the inflammation in the body. Examples of such drugs that can be added in the treatment of dengue fever are aspirin and ibuprofen.

Another symptom that needs to be corrected with a treatment of dengue fever is headache. Due to the inflammation and viral replication in the human body, the blood vessels in the brain dilate, causing high levels of intracranial pressure and discomforting headache. This is why, an efficient treatment of dengue fever is adding acetaminophen and codeine, to calm down the pain in the head, muscle and joints.

Thirdly, the dehydration needs to be taken care of while being hospitalized. This is why another direction of treatment of dengue fever is to rigorously hydrate the patient using intravenous fluids, blood and fresh plasma transfusions and by suggesting a higher oral rehydration. Because of the long period of high fever, the human body suffers severe dehydration that may lead to blood cell destruction and renal failure, thus requiring a thorough treatment of dengue fever. This is why probably the first approach of treatment of dengue fever is to regain the hydro-electric balance in the ill body.
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When does the treatment of dengue fever fail?
Even though most of the times the treatment of dengue fever is successful, there are chances that the infection is very severe, leading to treatment failure and death. This is the case of the most severe cases of dengue fever, the hemorrhaging dengue fever and the shock syndrome that accompanies the infection. In these cases, the treatment of dengue fever cannot be saved even after medical care, hospitalization, rehydration and pharmaceutical therapy. However, this chance of developing the severe type of dengue fever is very rare, appearing in almost 1 of the infected individuals.

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