Types of Vitiligo


Author : Maria Peter
Vitiligo is a skin disease whose symptoms are the appearance of white spots & patches on different areas of skin. You can\'t say that this disease is caused by single reason as multiple factors can impact on the appearance of vitiligo white patches. Due to environment or generic changes, or some other state of affairs many people loss their skin pigmentation. The one of the greatest cause of the disease is absence of pigment cells in skin.

 Our skin acquires different colors of pigments like brownish, blackish or reddish that determines our skin coloration. These pigmentary substances are produced from the melanin cells that are further take birth from the melanocytes cells. Melanin cells are also protecting skin cells from the sun or ultra violet rays.Vitiligo can be appearing in any stage of the life. There is no age boundary and gender specification. In other various causes of the disease heredity, immune system deficiency, usage of excessive amount of antibiotics or vaccination, stress, physical injury, dietary deficiency etc are includes. According to a statistical analysis almost 1 to 2 percent people are suffering from this disease in all over the world.

According to Medical vitiligo have different types; which are discussed below:
  1. Localized:
    • Focal: One or more depigmentation in a single area or one or more then one macules in a confined area.
    • Segmental: This type of Vitiligo is not associated with autoimmune disorders. If Vitiligo is appeared only on some specific area of body, and not on entire body, it is a form of segmental Vitiligo. Mostly children are found in this type.
    • Mucosal: In our body the function of mucous membrane is to protect our skin to dryness. If mucous membrane damage and Vitiligo is appeared along with the involvement of mucous membrane, then it is termed as mucosal.
  1. Generalized:
    • Acrofascial: Vitiligo skin disorder is only appeared on face, hand, feet, on hair, and not on the center of body.
    • Vulgaris: Scattered patches or macules in symmetrical, or widely distribution on whole body.
    • Mixed: if people have more then one type of Vitiligo, he is fallen in mixed Vitiligo grouping. For example mixture of segmental symptoms of vitalizing along with Acrofascial.
    • Universal: by naturally, a person is suffering from Vitiligo.
  1. Zostiform Vitiligo:  In our body there is peripheral nerve. The main function of these nerves is to connect the central nervous system to the organs and limbs. If depigmentations spots are appear along the distribution of peripheral nerve, then it is known as zostiform Vitiligo.
  2. Punctate Vitiligo: Many times dissimilar sizes of macules, either in small or in large are observe around hair follicles within Vitiligo macule.
  1. Trichrome Vitiligo: pigment settle on the color, if patches or spots appear in different pigments of colors, like in brown, oink, white, then that is term as Trichrome Vitiligo.
  1. Quadrichrome Vitiligo: beside all the colors defined above depigmentation patches shown in dark brown colors, appear as a hyperpigmentation.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com

About the Author
The symptoms of Vitiligo includes Changing color of hairs, Appearance of white patches on skin, Skin mucous membrane infection, Retina of eye infection or damage.

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