Birthmarks - A Symbol of Beauty?

Author: Brian Croslin
A birthmark could in many situations be treated as if it\'s a treasured mark of one\'s beauty, and in others this mystical mark which seems to magically show up just before or shortly after the actual arrival of a newborn are sometimes regarded as unattractive, embarrassing and also disfiguring. It may be surprising to learn that birthmarks are so common that they can appear in at least one out of every ten babies that are delivered, all around the world.

Over time, there have been and still are many people who believe these types of marks are passed on through the genetics of a family members. Although there handful of kinds of birthmarks that are, several medical research projects that were done have proven that a vast majority of them are not genetic. It is unclear why vascular birthmarks appear on some people and do not show up on other people.

These types of birthmarks consist of lesions of the skin which are typically called Nevi or Naevi by many physicians. It is a fact that a variety of birthmarks can show up on the skin of a person in a range of different colorings, size and shapes, but most of the time they are a raised area of the skin that\'s red-colored in color as well as soft to touch.

Even though there are several kinds of these types of marks which may color a particular spot of an individuals skin, they are mostly indexed in one of the following categories:

Vascular birthmark malformations - This particular variety of birthmark will usually be seen as soon as your baby arrives and is actually often as a result of blood vessels that have not developed in the right way. Port-wine birthmarks is a well-known type that falls in this particular group.

Pigmentation birthmarks - You will find there\'s a wide variety of different kinds of birthmarks that can be categorized within the pigmentation class and would include Mongolian spots, coffee-cream spots and common moles. Even though in the bulk of cases a mole isn\'t really a sign of worry, the opinion of your healthcare professional should be obtained if your mole looks unusually large or if it\'s of an odd-shape.

Hemagiomas - Birthmarks which would belong to this type are lesion type birthmarks that do not turn up until 2-3 weeks after a baby\'s delivery.

Mascular stains - This type of birthmark is usually most often labelled as the salmon patch birthmark. The look of them is normally light pink in coloring, and there are spots that are flat where a discoloration of your skin can be seen. The top of the eyelids and the back of a person\'s neck would be the most commonly seen locations that this sort of mark will appear. Birthmarks with this character which are on the neck normally do not disappear. However, ones which are on the top of the eyelid tend to be not even detected after approximately a year\'s time frame.
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