How to Avoid Skin Disease

Author: Naisarasri Sri
The mere mention of these words may breed dread or disgust as it is believed to be transferrable, and at the same time, they don\'t look really pretty. But it takes more than just an eyeshot to determine the seriousness of a skin disease, since most of these diseases may not be shown in the exact visible areas of the body.

Skin disease may not be fatal, but the many kind of diseases, their physical manifestations, and the unprecedented attack of it, is enough to make a person think uneasily about it. Most of the time, skin diseases are contracted from unhygienic practices, outside contacts or environmental factors. Hygiene plays an essential factor in the way we develop skin diseases as we contract dirt from our everyday activities. The more we fail to clean up our bodies and faces, the more that the dirt stays in our skin, causing it to produce certain reactions.

Outside contact that may irritate the skin can also cause certain skin diseases to ensue. For example, some people are simply allergic to nickel, causing rashes, inflammation and burning sensations to the skin. Nickel-containing objects such as nickel-based earrings, belt buckles and bracelets or watches may produce allergic reactions to the skin.

Examples of common skin diseases include acne, sunburn, warts, herpes, dermatitis, athlete\'s foot and boils. All of these are not actually serious skin diseases but may be experienced by us once in our lives. There are many more serious skin diseases such as skin cancer, psoriasis, ringworms, vitiligo, keratosis and others, but not all people may develop it as well.

Whether a skin disease is fatal or not, one must consider practicing measures to avoid it. As the old saying goes, 'prevention is better than cure.' Here are some tips to keep you skin-disease free:

- When out in the sun, use sunblock. As sunburns may be unsightly, they can also be painful and difficult to heal. Moreso, the effects of direct sunlight to the skin may not be merely short-termed such as sunburns, but may later develop to skin cancer if not treated with care. Sunblock uses certain chemicals to shield the direct sear of the sunlight to the skin, and therefore, it must be a practice to use sunblock for protection from the sun.

- When in public places, be careful who you share with. Swimming pools now prohibit those with wounds or skin infections to dip in the pool. Why? Because this is largely communicable. So it goes without saying that one must be careful with sharing things publicly. For example, towels, soaps or clothes that may be worn by someone who has a serious skin disease that may be viral or infectious must be separate from yours.

- Wash hands regularly. This is not just to prevent bacteria to enter the body orally. It also prevents bacteria that we get when in contact with people to be transferred to our skins. A clean hand will prevent the skin disease from being transferred to you.

- When there is an itching area, do not rub it. Rubbing can aggravate developing skin infections. What one may do is pat it lightly, or apply an ointment to soothe the itching. Frequent scratching of an itchy part may develop to inflammation or burning sensation, and eventually a skin disease.

Skin diseases may be well-prevented by conscientious efforts. And all of these tips can help you achieve that.
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