Degenerative Knee Joint Disease

Author: leexiwen
A joint is the contact point between two or more bones. About 90 of the joints in the human body are movable joints. Every movement of the body will involve one or more joints. Degenerative arthritis is a type of osteoarthritis due to old age or injury; other clinical symptoms include pain, tenderness, swelling, fever, stiffness and even a sense of deformation, which restricts body movement. In particular, degenerative knee joint disease is the most common ailment that affects the lifestyle of elderly people.

1- Obesity: The body\'s weight presses on the knee joints, which causes friction with every step. Obesity will lead to degeneration of the knee joints.
2. Exposure to colds and chills.
3- Sudden contusion: A sudden contusion will cause the ligaments that support the joints to lose their elasticity. If the pain causes movement to exhibit irregularities, the friction of the knee joints will increase to relief pain and this causes additional damage. The pain is particularly evident when walking up and down the stairs, moving up and down the slopes, ‘getting out of bed in the morning, or standing up from a seated position.
4. Degeneration of the joints or excessive movement may cause the cartilage to be worn out, leading to damage and inflammation of the intra articular tissue. A little activity will reduce the symptoms, but the pain will increase if there is excessive movement.

1. Degenerative knee condition: The pain increases with activity, and subsides when the body is at rest. There is a sense of tenderness and friction when squeezing the patella. The sensation of friction is more significant when flexing the knee, and sometimes there may be quadriceps spasm. Joint activity is restricted following quadriceps muscle atrophy and the pain becomes recurrent. The knee joints will also become enlarged.

2. Edema of the knee joints: The progression of knee joint deformation causes pain whenever the patient walks. The pain does not subside even during rest. If the patient endures the pain and insists on walking, the knee joints will swell, become hot and effusion of the knee joints may occur. If the patient rests, the swelling will subside. However, continuous rest will cause muscle recession. If the patient wishes to walk, it will increase the burden on the joints. This is one of the reasons for the formation of O type and X type legs.
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