Tips and Treatments for Sebaceous Cysts Causing Hair Loss

Author: John Farikani
The issue of sebaceous cysts causing hair loss has not been entirely understood by many people. A sebaceous cyst is a closed sac below the surface of the skin with a lining that is similar to the uppermost part of a hair follicle and fills with a fatty white of thick fluid material known as sebum. Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands. They are more common in hairier areas, where in cases of long duration, they could result in hair loss on the skin surface immediately above the cyst.

Sebaceous glands occur most commonly in the scalp but may also occur in ears, back, face, and elsewhere in the body except the palms of the hands and the soles of the fit. In cases of long duration, they could result in hair loss on the skin surface immediately above the cyst. They are round in shape, smooth to touch, and greatly vary in size. The sebaceous cysts consist of:
  • Fibrous tissues and fluids.
  • A fatty substance.
  • A viscous fluid.
The cyst can be removed entirely with careful surgery. When the cyst is removed carefully, it is likely not to re-occur again.
The main cause of sebaceous glands is the blockage of the swollen hair follicles and excessive testosterone production. It may also be hereditary.

Though sebaceous cysts generally do not require any medical treatment, if they continue to grow, they may become painful and infected. In this case, a surgical procedure should be performed. The common surgical procedure is to numb the cyst with an anesthetic and then using a scalpel to open the lesion with either a single cut down to the middle of the swelling. A smaller cyst may be laced instead of a surgical procedure being performed on it. The person performing the surgery will usually squeeze out the semi solid material surrounding the cyst and then use an instrument to hold the incision wide open while using the fingers to remove the cyst intact. An antibiotic is required in order to halt bacterial infection.

An equally easy technique of treating cysts is to place a heating pad directly on the cyst for about 15-20 minutes, twice daily, for about ten days. The heating pad must be sterilized to halt any infection of the treated area. This method mainly works by bringing the wax-like material inside of the cyst to a temperature to which it can melt and hence can be reabsorbed by the body as a small amount of oily fluid. This method is preferred by many because surgical procedures are thought to be inherently risky by many people.

As can be seen from the above procedures, both the non-surgical surgical procedures are easy to adopt. The non-surgical procedure is preferred if you don\'t have the money for a normal surgery. It however exposes you to the risk of getting an infection especially if hygiene conditions are not observed. The surgical procedure is preferred by people who have some resources to spare. It can be done at any hospital. Given some people\'s phobia for surgery procedures, some are bound to avoid it. However, regardless of the method you choose, you should treat the sebaceous condition as fast as possible because failure to treat it could result in considerable loss of your hair.
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