Neem From Himalaya – Diabetes Herbal Health Care

Author: Herbs Online
What is Neem?
Formerly Neem known as \'Melia Azadirachta\'. It is also known as Neem, margosa, nim, nimba, nimbatiktam, Arishtha, Praneem. Neem is a large evergreen tree that grows up to 20 m in height, with spreading branches. Neem is found all over the India and neighboring countries of India. Neem tree contains high quality timber. The bark of the tree is very hard and having color brownish gray.

All parts of the tree used in the traditional medicine. Root and the bark of the tree used as an astringent, the bark is also used for treating against malaria. Neem Himalaya herb is very effective against diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular and skin diseases. It is used as an insecticide, Insect repellent.
Neem herb is also useful to treat traditional diseases like malaria, diabetes and skin diseases. Oil of Neem is used in the preparation of cosmetics such as soap and various types of shampoo. Neem leaf paste is useful against chicken pox also it is useful to the skin to treat acne. Neem oil is also effective dandruff. Neem Himalaya Herb is highly recommended for to cure diabetes. Neem herb reduces the thinning of hair.

Not only neem seeds but also its leaf extract has anti-diabetic properties. Daily intake of neem leafs can reduce 50 requirement of insulin and it comes without harming the normal glucose level in the blood. One can use neem as preventive measure for diabetes that\'s why it is recommended by many Ayurvedic physicians.
The basic contents of neem like Oxalic acid, rich Vitamin C, Potassium, Calcium, Sodium, Phosphorus, Nicocin , Carotene, Iron and different minerals are found be very useful in conditions like diabetes according to a study.

1 capsule twice a day, before meals.
It is recommended only at the age of 14 years and above.

* Neem is very beneficial Ayurvedic supplement against skin problems like eczema and acne and keeps the skin healthy.
* It is also effective in dry Skin, wrinkles, dandruff, itchy scalp, skin ulcers and warts.
* Neem Himalaya Herbal medicine is beneficial in malarial fever and useful in cutaneous diseases.
* This is very effective Ayurvedic product in dental care, useful to prevent cavities, gum diseases, and infections in teeth.
* The Neem Himalaya Ayurvedic capsules show good results in the treatment of diabetes.
* The neem herb greatly reduces arthritic pain, inflammation, and swelling of the joints.
* It is beneficial in reducing tumors size and cancers, also effective against lymphocytic leukemia.
* Neem herb is useful in the treatment of viral diseases such as smallpox, chicken-pox.
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About the Author
OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy. We provide natural herbal remedies and natural herbal health supplements for healing various diseases.
Neem from Himalaya clears toxins and it is very effective against diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disorders and skin diseases.

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