High Blood Pressure and the Non-drug Therapy

Author: Beauty
Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of arteries (blood vessels). Each time the heart beats, it pumps blood through blood vessels, supplying the body\'s muscles, organs and tissues with the oxygen and nutrients that they need to function. Over the course of a day, an individual\'s blood pressure rises and falls transiently many times in response to various stimuli. Elevated blood pressure over a sustained period of time is a condition referred to as hypertension (HTN) or high blood pressure .There are many kinds of drugs can cure hypertension. However ,as you all know that nearly all medicine has side effect ,it\'s imperative to look for a safer therapy.

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure ?
It is estimated that over 50 million people in the United States have high blood pressure or are on prescription drugs to manage their blood pressure. High blood pressure is a silent disease. It is often diagnose during a routine visit to the doctor.
High blood pressure can have serious consequences :Kidney problems can give you the frequent need to urinate or sometimes blood in the urine. Diabetes often shows itself through a sudden change in weight or constantly felling thirsty. High blood pressure or not you should have any of these serious symptoms checked into.

Another symptom of high blood pressure can sometimes be anemia. Anemia is a condition where your body isn\'t producing enough healthy red blood cells. This is often related to a disorder of the kidneys, which in some cases is brought on by high blood pressure. Sometimes anemia will present itself through unusual fatigue, depression or even breathing problems. If you have mild anemia though, you will have to have medical tests completed to find out if you do. So see your doctor if you have any of these symptoms be sure to have your doctor check for anemia and high blood pressure.

Causes of high blood pressure
Obesity: Individuals with a body mass index (BMI, or body fat content) of 30.0 or higher are more likely to develop high blood pressure. An individual is considered underweight if their BMI is less than 18.5. A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is considered a 'normal' weight. A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight. Individuals who fall into the BMI range of 25-34.9 begin having some health risk concerns, such as the development of diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), and heart disease. Specifically those who have a waist size of more than 40 inches for men, or 35 inches for women, have a higher risk for obesity-related health problems. A BMI of 30 or more qualifies as individual as obese. A BMI over 40 indicates that a person is morbidly obese. The greater the number, the greater the chances of developing health concerns.

Salt sensitivity: Salt (or sodium chloride) contains sodium, which may cause fluid retention and thereby cause pressure around the blood vessels which can lead to hypertension. It is noted that approximately 60 of the essential hypertension population may decrease blood pressure (BP) by decreasing sodium (salt) intake.
Drinking too much alcohol: Chronic (long-term) use of alcohol can increase blood pressure dramatically by placing stress on the heart and blood vessels.

Lack of physical activity: An inactive lifestyle makes it easier to become overweight and increases the chance of high blood pressure. Physical inactivity increases the risk of hypertension by 30.
Smoking: Cigarette smoking can repeatedly produce a temporary rise in blood pressure (BP) of approximately 5-10mmHg. This effect may be most prominent with the first cigarette of the day in habitual smokers. However, research indicates that habitual or chronic (regular) smokers in general have lower BP than non-smokers, possibly due to weight loss associated with smoking. Experts agree that smoking should be avoided in any person with high blood pressure because it can substantially increase the risk of secondary cardiovascular complications such as atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and appears to enhance the progression of kidney disease.Cigarette smoking also increases the chances of men having erectile dysfunction (ED), or the inability to get or maintain and erection.

Stress: Stress is a normal part of everyday life. Responses to stress vary from person to person, but chronic (regular) stress can lead to an increase in the release of the stress hormone cortisol from the adrenal glands (above the kidneys). Cushing\'s disease can also cause too much cortisol to be released. Scientists think that excess cortisol can lead to an increase in blood pressure, an inability of insulin to control blood sugar (insulin sensitivity), inflammation, and weight gain.

Ethnicity (race): African Americans develop high blood pressure more often than Caucasians, and it tends to occur earlier and be more severe. Compared to other groups, African Americans tend to get high blood pressure earlier in life, usually have more severe high blood pressure, and have a higher death rate from stroke (lack of blood and oxygen to the brain), coronary heart disease CHD, or the lack of blood and oxygen to the heart), and kidney failure.

Heredity: Having a parent or other close blood relatives with high blood pressure increases the chances of developing it.

Age: In general, blood pressure increases with age, occurring most often in people over age 35. Men seem to develop it most often between age 35 and 55. Women are more likely to develop it after menopause. Over half of all Americans aged 60 and older have high blood pressure.
Diet: A diet poor in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and high in sodium (salt), high fat foods such as dairy (milk, cheese, sour cream), animal fat, and fried foods (potato chips, French fries, fried chicken) can lead to high cholesterol levels in the blood, which can lead to high blood pressure. Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure Consequently , please keep a normal figure,eat suit amount of salt and do more exercises. Above all you can use the follow therapies.

Food therapy for high blood pressure
1. Drink one small cup of fresh turnip juice two times a day.
2.Drink100ml pure apple juice 3 times a day.
3. Consume250 g fresh celery juice each time, 2 times a day .
4.Steep peanuts in vinegar for a week, chew ten peanuts before sleeping every night. 5.Steep one fresh egg in 150 ml 9 degrees vinegar, then break the egg after 48 hours , dip 1 day again . Everyday take 20 ml, you can add some warm water to dilute it .Use it up in seven days .
6. Right amount of sugar, vinegar, garlic. Eat one or two sweet and sour garlic every morning and drink the sweet and sour juice at the same time. This formula can bring high blood pressure down everlastingly.

External treatment
1.foot bath
Take a wooden or enamel tub. Pour some hot water about 50℃ just submerged ankle until make the ankle just submerged. Pour a bottle of Lowing Pressure Powder into the tub. Stir to dissolve uniformly. This method can cure primary hypertension, secondary hypertension and other kinds of hypertension.
2. Use a medicinal pillow: Buy a medicinal pillow which is made from the same amount of Chrysanthemum morofolium Ramat , winter mulberry, selfheal . The effect is obvious if you used it continuously.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com

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