Best Herbs for Diabetes and How to Use Herbs for Diabetes

Author: Dr. Mital John
Diabetes is a growing problem. As the obesity rates in the United States and other countries climb, the incidence of Type II diabetes increases. There are also a lot of people who have Type I diabetes which is a condition that arises during childhood. Both may require insulin shots.

If you need to supplement your diet with insulin shots or pills, DO NOT stop. These herbal remedies are designed to help your body. It is up to your doctor to decide what dose you need to take when it comes to insulin. You may find, especially in the case of Type II diabetes, that the herbal remedies decrease your dependence on insulin. But remember NOT to change your dosage unless under the advice of your physician.

With that said, there are some herbs that have been shown to help diabetes. Choose the herbs that you want to learn about and do your own research. You should also consult with your doctor before trying anything new.

Efficacy of Herbal Remedies for Diabetes

Diabetes has been sought to be cured with a variety of herbs for the past hundreds of years. The efficacy of many of these herbs has been proven by recent scientific evaluations. The results of these scientific experiments have established that these herbal remedies are effective in controlling the symptoms related to diabetes. However, the care of diabetes requires continual monitoring by a doctor for proper management of symptoms. It is recommended that the patient and doctor work together to develop a treatment goals based on they severity of the diabetes.

Best Herb for Diabetes: -

• Bitter Melon: - Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) is native to South America, Africa and Asia and is composed of, among other things, the compounds momordica and charantin. The former contains a polypeptide (polypeptide P) that acts much like insulin, while the latter is composed of steroids that are more powerful than the oft-prescribed diabetes-fighting drug tolbutamide. Talk with your physician before taking bitter melon, as it could conflict with diabetes medication you are already taking, and children should avoid it. Bitter melon is available in most health food and natural products stores.
• Garlic and Onion: - Increase your garlic (Allium sativum) and onion (Allium cepa) intake, as both contain allyl propyl disulphide, diallyl disulphide oxide (allicin) and flavonoids, all of which may contribute to their blood-sugar-level lowering power. APDS in particular acts like insulin, freeing up regular insulin in the body. Garlic and onion are available at most grocery stores or as an extract from any health food or natural products store.
• Blueberry Leaves: - Add blueberry leaves to your diet, as they contain the compound myrtillin, which is thought to be effective in lowering blood-sugar levels. Myrtillin acts like insulin, and though not as strong it is far less toxic. Perhaps best of all, a single dose of blueberry leaf can continue to show results for several weeks. Blueberry leaf extract is available at most health food stores.
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About the Author
You may be interested in reading Diabetes Treatment and Cure for Diabetes. Also visit more on Best Herb for Diabetes

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